Welcome to Tight Chains Co.!

Why the name ‘Tight Chains Co.’?

In the trapping community that is a saying, which is just like saying good luck to someone or wishing them a successful day on their line!

Our hope is that through Tight Chains Co. we encourage all outdoorsmen to “not give up” whether that is to keep going through perseverance out in the field or to keep defending our rights to trap.

“Tight Chains is something that you either understand or you don’t. If you do understand, you are probably one of the few who carries on this tradition of trapping. Not only is it extremely beneficial and necessary to our world today, it is also like stepping back in time as we set steel and be emersed in nature like so many did before us, on this very same land that is now ours to steward. My hope is to make a big enough difference to help keep this tradition alive and spark an opportunity to have a conversation with non-trappers through unique and respectable apparel designs.” -Lydia

All apparel is screen printed in USA, in-house

Hey! I’m Lydia. I’m the Creator/Designer and printer of Tight Chains co.! You have probably heard by now that I started this apparel brand as a way to support the trapping community and industry. That’s why a portion of all proceeds are donated to non-profits that fight to defend our rights to trap. I am SO excited to share the designs I create to my trapping friends–what all started as wanting to create a funny t-shirt with an inside joke for a friend, then to wanting to create a trapping t-shirt for myself that was green (my favorite color) and now to owning and operating a full print shop to not only share it with other trappers, but also print for a variety of businesses! It really is a dream turning into reality. And it all started by trapping…

Lydia has been trapping since she was 14 years old. Her passion quickly grew into trapping coyotes and seems to always be talking or teaching about trapping or wildlife management (and giving demos at state and national conventions!) She has trapped through every life stage including through college, through marriage, with a newborn, moving across country twice, and with her arm in a sling through three shoulder surgeries. Now, she runs a coyote trapline with her little girl and trapline dog. She is also a wife to an amazing man, Eddie (who hunts, not traps!), and together they run their small farm with sheep. Each design is born from our deep-rooted passion for trapping and wildlife conservation. Thank you for being a part of our journey!

Our custom apparel isn’t just clothing

It’s a statement of your passion

for the great outdoors

Have any questions? Feel free to email us at [email protected] or visit the “contact us” tab

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